An image of our recent commercial work at this restaurant.

Everything looks good and I really have to thank you for your professionalism and that of your staff throughout this difficult project. You were the only contractor on the job who saw it through to completion…
—more from Nicole in Porters Lake

Henderson Electrical Installations — Feedback page

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We want to know what you thought of your experience with Henderson Electrical Installations.

You can leave a review on our Google business page, or you can complete the form below to send your feedback directly to us.

All of these blank fields are optional, and if you want you can skip right to the "general comments" field by clicking here.

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Address or worksite

What was your biggest fear before first hiring Henderson Electrical? Did it come true, and if not, what happened instead?

What, specifically, was your favourite part of working with Henderson Electrical? Why?

If you were to recommend us to your best friend, what would you say?

How would you rate your experience with Henderson Electrical Installations?

How would you rate the skill and disposition of your Henderson Electrical electrician?

You can add any general comments here.

May we publish your statements on our website or in other marketing materials?
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How did you discover Henderson Electrical Installations?

* Providing your name or email is optional, but it is required if you want us to respond to you. We do not sell, give, or share your emails with anyone, and we do not save your emails on a server. We also don‘t send you unsolicited emails.


You can also leave a review on our Google business page.

Or you can visit our page on Yelp.

Thank you!

Find our full contact information here.

Sidebar image: multimetre.

For a limited time!

Efficiency NS is offering up to $10,000 in rebates on EV Chargers for condos and apartment buildings.

See the Efficiency NS flyer for more details.

Then, click here to get in touch with us.

Henderson Electrical Installations serves the Greater Halifax Area, including Halifax, Dartmouth, Bedford, Sackville, Hammonds Plains, Timberlea, Tantallon, Fall River, Enfield, Mount Uniacke, Elmsdale, Bridgewater, Chester and other points beyond and throughout Nova Scotia. If we haven’t listed your area, just give us a call and ask!
Your preferred payment method:
We accept all of these common forms of payment: VISA credit card, MasterCard credit card, email eTransfer, cheque, debit (in person at our office) and cash (at our office).

Limited time provincial rebate offer!

Click here to contact us for more information.

Efficiency NS promotion